There are only a few very basic and simple rules that I ask to be followed when using the Scrolls.
1) First and foremost, have fun with what you write and don't be afraid to post something up. We all love to read and would love nothing more than to see some fresh content up by our friends.
2) Secondly, when critiquing a story, please use the Sticky thread that is built specifically for it. This removes clutter from the forum and gives a central place where people can see other people's comments on their work.
3) Please use proper netiquette posting in either a story, poem or critiquing section. There is nothing more frustrating than having to read text speak or decipher some sort of code. Proper punctuation, grammar and spelling are asked for.
4) Please avoid Flaming other members. General rule of thumb, if you don't have anything constructive to say, then don't say it.
5) Any disputes are to be reported to the moderator of the Scrolls, Eidys, and if further action is needed, then notify the Administrator, Wraith.
6) When posting a story or poem please take care to post them in their proper Scrolls. Also, when posting erotic fiction or poetry, even though this is an adult site, please ensure that you post in the Velvet Scrolls as this Scroll is designed especially for it. If you are unsure, simply send a copy of your work to the moderator and they will be able to help you.
Failure to comply with these rules will at first gain you a two warnings. If you break them three times, you will be banned for a preset period of time.